Ägäis: Push Back aufs Meer

Am Morgen des 30. April 2020 kam ein Boot mit 14 Geflüchteten auf der Insel Chios an. Als die Migrantinnen versuchten, sich vom Strand zu entfernen, wurden sie von den Beamtinnen der Küstenwache aufgegriffen und in ein im Bau befindliches Gebäude gebracht. Ein wenig später näherte sich ein Schiff der Küstenwache der Küste und fuhr dann in Richtung offenes Meer, also in Richtung Türkei, ab, während es mindestens ein Schlauchboot hinter sich her zog.

Legal Complaint against EU Financial Complicity in Illegal Push-Backs to Libya

The EU should suspend funding for its program to stem migration from Libya because the program breaches EU budgetary laws and international human rights law, the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) and the Italian Recreational and Cultural Association (ARCI) argued in a legal complaint filed today to the European Court of Auditors.

The time to act is now: A letter to African leaders about the Covid-19 crisis

The threats hanging over the African continent with regard to the spread of Covid-19 demand our individual and collective attention. The situation is critical. Yet this is not about mitigating another African humanitarian crisis, but to diffuse the potentially damaging effects of a virus that has shaken the global order and put under question the bases of our living together.

The Covid-19 Excuse: Non-Assistance in the central Mediterranean becomes the norm

Alarm Phone Press Release, 11/04/2020 Website: https://alarmphone.org/en/2020/04/11/the-covid-19-excuse/?post_type_release_type=post Twitter: https://twitter.com/alarm_phone/status/1248956494533591043 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watchthemed.alarmphone/posts/2633580120249548  The Covid-19 pandemic has allowed states to enact emergency measures which curtail the right and freedom to move, within Europe and beyond. While some measures seem justified in order to

Malta Libya: Free the El Hiblu 3 – dismiss the trial immediately!

Appeal to stop the criminalisation of three young migrants in Malta: In late March 2019, a rubber boat with 108 people on board, was escaping the Libyan coast and trying to reach Europe. Co-ordinated by an airplane of the Eunavfor Med operation, the people in distress were found and rescued by the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1. When the rescued passengers realised they were being returned to Libya, they began to protest. In Malta, three of the 108 rescued passengers – 15, 16, and 19 year-old teenagers – were arrested as the ring leaders of the protest and accused of several crimes, including terrorism.