Brutalste Abschiebungen aus der Türkei – und die EU schweigt

Im Report „Two weeks of deportations“ dokumentiert die WeWantToLiveTogether-Initiative die brutalen, menschenrechtsverletzenden Abschiebungen aus der Türkei. Die Vorwürfe, die die Initiative erhebt und im Report belegt, wiegen schwer: Migrant*innen und Geflüchtete seien unter Androhung von Gewalt gezwungen worden, Dokumente der freiwilligen Ausreise zu unterschreiben. Abschiebungen seien brutal durchgeführt worden, Menschen seien gefesselt worden oder von der Polizei zusammengeschlagen worden.

„Ethiopians Abused on Gulf Migration Route“

Ethiopians undertaking the perilous journey by boat across the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden face exploitation and torture in Yemen by a network of trafficking groups, Human Rights Watch said today. They also encounter abusive prison conditions in Saudi Arabia before being summarily forcibly deported back to Addis Ababa. Authorities in Ethiopia, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia have taken few if any measures to curb the violence migrants face, to put in place asylum procedures, or to check abuses perpetrated by their own security forces.

Studie EuroMed Rights: EU-Egypt migration cooperation

While Egypt does not constitute a major country of departure for migrant movement towards Europe, the report finds that attention towards EU-Egypt cooperation on migration is predominately driven by Egypt’s attempts to strengthen its image as a regional leader, gain European support for its counter-terrorism policy and obtain funds for its domestic projects. If EU-led cooperation programmes in Egypt have stalled, certain Member States have stepped up bilateral cooperation on migration, going so far as to increase deportations of Egyptians back to Egypt where they could face severe human rights violations.

Fokus Sahel: “Wege aus der Gewalt?“

Am 27./28. März 2019 hat in Frankfurt eine Tagung unter dem Titel “Wege aus der Gewalt? Gesellschaftliches Engagement im Kontext politischer Destabilisierung und gewaltsamer Konflikte im Sahel” stattgefunden – fast ausschließlich mit Referent*innen aus den Sahelländern. Die Konferenz wurde von Fokus Sahel organisiert, einem Zusammenschluss von NGOs und zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, an dem auch Afrique-Europe-Interact beteiligt ist.

Abschiebungen Türkei – Idlib

Since around ten days, Turkish authorities have increased stop-and-search checks around Istanbul, targeting Syrians without registration papers (including those who are registered in other cities) or for working informally. Apparently, already 400 people have been deported to Idlib in the last few days. It is alleged that many have been detained and eventually deported to Syria, some after having been forced to sign “voluntary repatriation” forms.