Im Beitrag Into the unknown: African migrants in Yemen berichtet die Deutsche Welle über eine der in Europa weniger beachteten Migrationsrouten: vom Horn von Afrika in den Jemen. Den Fokus legt der Beitrag vor allem auf die Gefahren, denen die Migrant*innen und Flüchtenden auf ihrer Reise ausgesetzt sind – tagelange Fußmärsche durch die Wüste, Bootsüberfahrten ohne Wasser und Lebensmittel, Landminen und das Festhängen der Menschen im vom Krieg verwüsteten Jemen.

We don’t have to drive very far from the city of Aden into the desert to see dozens of migrants approaching on foot, carrying the little they possess. Their feet are swollen and bruised from the long journey. Most of them have been walking for days, trying to reach Aden from one of the spots on the Yemeni coastline where they arrived by boat. […]

On the road I meet another migrant. He is 25, he says, and is haunted by the images of the dangerous crossing he experienced. „When we got into the boat, there was no water, no food. It was too windy. Some people had to stand, others were sitting. The boat was very crowded.“

The ones who do reach land then have to walk for days through the desert. The migrants I spoke to each paid a couple of hundred dollars to reach Yemen. Their goal: Saudi Arabia. But with all the uncertainty and instability in Yemen, it is completely unclear where they will end up.

The number of migrants arriving in Yemen from East Africa every year ranges from 50,000 to 150,000. The weather is also a factor. During the summer months, the wind can be very strong and this affects the number of people setting out from Djibouti. This migration route is less known compared to the one to Europe through Sudan and Libya. It’s cheaper but very dangerous. Yemen is littered with landmines.

Members of an aid organization stop by. They’re only prepared to talk off the record. I hear that most migrants will never reach Saudi Arabia. „Most of them, 85 or 90%, they are stuck in Aden. Because there is a war in Dhale,“ a man tells me from his car where he sits between boxes of water, dates and cookies that he will randomly distribute to migrants through his window. […]

Deutsche Welle │ 05.08.2019

Migrationsrouten: Vom Horn von Afrika in den Jemen