No Name Kitchen hat im Mai einen Report über Push Backs auf dem Balkan veröffentlicht. Hier ein Auszug aus dem 22-seitigen Report.

The push-back highway from Slovenia to Velika Kladuša

Chain push-backs from Slovenia to BiH are conducted routinely in the border areas outside of the Una-Sana Canton. In the time period between June 2018 and May 2019, we have collected 62 testimonies of push-backs from Slovenia to BiH, representing over 350 individuals pushed back from Slovenia to BiH in the span of a year. Of these 62 testimonies of chain push-backs, it is interesting to note that the vast majority (roughly 95%) of the groups report being pushed back in the general vicinity (within 20 km) of Velika Kladuša. After conducting a year of violence reports in BiH, it is worth looking at this phenomenon and the intimate relationship that the border areas outside of Velika Kladuša share with these practices.While direct push-backs from Croatia are generally spread out along the border areas of the Una-Sana Canton (to areas surrounding Bihac, Sturlic, or Velika Kladuša), chain push-backs from Slovenia are frequently described as being conducted near Velika Kladuša. In the last two months (April -May 2019), 49% (15 out of 29) of the reports of direct push-backs from Croatia to BiH in the past month were in the general area of Velika Kladuša. In contrast, 100% (14 out of 14) of the report of chain push-backs from Slovenia to BiH in the past month were in the general area of Velika Kladuša.

Push-Backs auf dem Balkan – Violence Report