Am 15.04.2020 veröffentlichte das ISS Dakar eine Kurzstudie von Remadji Hoinathy unter dem Titel: Is counter-terrorism history repeating itself in lake Chad Basin?

Tschadische Soldaten stellen die brutalsten Truppen im Sahel, und sie sind führend beteiligt an der MNJTF (Multinational Joint Task Force, Operation Boma’s Wrath (Tschad, Niger, Nigeria), an G5-Sahel und an Minusma (Tschad stellt den höchsten Minusma-Truppenanteil und sogar mit Mahamat Saleh Annadif den Minusma-Chef).

In bemerkenswerter Klarheit arbeitet Hoinathy heraus, dass tschadische Soldaten in den Nachbarländern des Tschad frühere „Fehler“ derzeit wiederholten: Vor, während und nach Militär-Massakern vertreiben sie die lokale Bevölkerung und machen sich damit nur noch verhasster. In folgenden zeitgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang stellt Hoinathy nicht nur die laufenden Anschläge, sondern auch die Repressalien der Militärs gegen die Bevölkerung:

Die MNJTF habe 2015 Boko Harams Territorium drastisch reduziert, dennoch konstatiert er ihren „Misserfolg“:

„but a failure to hold these spaces and win the hearts an dminds of the communities […]. A state of emergency has been declared in the departments of Kaya and Fouli in Lac Province, Chad. People living in these border areas – which were declared a war zone from 27 Mrch to 17 April – have been asked to move further inland to avoid being bistaken for Boko Haram combatants. Lac has a total of 169.000 internally displaced people, 13.000 refugees and 47.000 Chadian returnees resulting from Boko Haram-related emergencies. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs adds about 20.000 to the above number of internally displaced people since the end of March. The humanitarian consequences will considerably worsen given that COVID-19 responses are resticting inter-city movemets. These vulnerable communities are already the double victims of Boko Haram abuses and states‘ security-based responses. […] Ongoing Institute for Security Studies research shows that large-scale military operations often trigger the return of voluntary and involutary associates of Boko Haram in all four of the Lake Chad Basin countries.“

Zu den laufenden Anschlägen und Repressalien (Hervorhebungen von FFM):

Three UN troops killed in Mali

A roadside bomb in northern Mali has killed three UN troops. Four other peacekeepers from Chad were wounded. Some 13,000 troops are deployed across the arid nation to deter jihadists. Three United Nations peacekeepers were killed and four others seriously wounded on Sunday, when they were struck by a roadside bomb in Northern Mali. […] The improvised devise exploded while Chadian peacekeepers had been on routine patrol in the Aguelhok district, according to the mission. […]

dw | 10.05.2020


[…] La France condamne avec la plus grande fermeté l’attaque contre la mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA) à Aguelhok dans la région de Kidal, dans le nord du Mali, le 10 mai 2020, qui a coûté la vie à trois casques bleus tchadiens et fait plusieurs blessés au sein de la mission.

La France adresse ses condoléances aux proches des soldats décédés et aux autorités du Tchad. […]

Französisches Außenministerium | 10.05.2020


[…] „Dans la matinée du lundi 11 mai 2020, vers 09H00 (locales et GMT), une unité du détachement militaire de Sébba, province du Yahgha, en mission de reconnaissance, a été la cible d’une embuscade par des individus armés“, selon le communiqué de l’état-major général des armées burkinabè.L’attaque s’est produite „sur un site d’orpaillage à l’entrée du village de Kankanfogouol, à cinq kilomètres de la frontière nigérienne“, précise l’armée.“L’unité dans sa réaction a pu neutraliser une vingtaine de terroristes. Huit de nos soldats ont malheureusement perdu la vie au cours des combats“, poursuit l’armée.Ce bilan n’a pas pu être vérifié de source indépendante. […]

africa radio | 13.05.2020


[…] Twelve people have died mysteriously in a prison cell in Burkina Faso, hours after they were arrested for terror-related offences. 

A Burkina Faso prosecutor has launched an investigation into the deaths which occurred in Fada N’Gourma, around 140 miles east of the Burkinabe capital Ouagadougou.

The men were reportedly part of a group of 25 people arrested on Monday night for suspected terrorist activities. „Unfortunately 12 of them died during the same night in cells where they were being held,“ Judicael Kadeba, the prosecutor, said in a statement. […]

telegraph | 14.05.2020

Wie sich die Militärs des Sahel verhasst machen