Klage Massensterben Mittelmeer: „EU-Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit“

Menschenrechtsanwälte werfen der EU und ihren Mitgliedstaaten „crimes against humanity“ („Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit“) vor und haben beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) Anzeige wegen des Flüchtlingssterbens im Mittelmeer erstattet. Die EU-Flüchtlingsabwehr habe das Mittelmeer in die „tödlichste Migrationsroute der Welt“ transformiert.

„UN evacuates 325 refugees out of Tripoli as clashes continue“

UNHCR said in a statement on Wednesday those rescued from the Qasr bin Ghashir centre were transported to another detention facility in Az-Zawiyah, northwestern Libya, where they were „at reduced risk of being caught up“ in ongoing fighting. The move was triggered by reports on Tuesday of the use of armed violence against detainees who were protesting against the conditions in which they were being held, UNHCR said, with 12 refugees requiring hospital treatment after being attacked.

Alarming rates of malnutrition and inhumane conditions in Tripoli detention centre

„What we see today in this single detention centre is symptomatic of an uncontrolled, unjustified, and reckless system that puts the lives of refugees and migrants at risk,” says Karline Kleijer, MSF’s head of emergencies. “We’re talking about the basic necessities required to sustain human life. If food, shelter and essential services can’t be provided in a consistent and appropriate manner, then these people should be released immediately by the Libyan authorities.”