Die italienische Europaparlamentarierin Elly Schlein hat eine Spendenkampagne zur Unterstützung der Rettungsaktivitäten der Sea-Watch 3 im Mittelmeer gestartet. „This campaign wants to represent an open and safe harbour for those people fleeing wars, calamities, hunger. That safe and open harbour which European countries are not yet providing.“ Alle Gelder kommen direkt der Sea Watch zugute.

On the 19th of January the Sea-Watch 3 rescued 47 people from an inflatable vessel during a heavy storm in the Mediterranean. 8 of them were unaccompanied minors. Instead of immediately providing a safe harbour and shelter from the storm, according to International law, the Sea-Watch 3 and its passengers were kept hostage at sea for 12 days. 12 days without sufficient medical, food and water supplies. It had already happened for 20 days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve to 49 people previously saved by Sea-Watch 3 and SeaEye. Currently, Dutch Authorities after an inspection on Sea-Watch 3, are requesting to Italian authorities to prevent the vessel from leaving Catania’s Harbour.

The United Nations named criminalisation of sea rescue as the reason for a record death rate at sea.  And Sea-Watch3 is one of the very few search and rescue boat left in the mediterranean at the moment.

Denying people their fundamental rights by keeping them hostage at sea is unacceptable and should never happen again. The European governments are not only letting people drown, they are actively hindering those willing to help. This deadly policy must be ended now, we don’t have the time to wait for European leaders carrying out their conflicts on the back of people in need. Instead of keeping people hostage at sea until they find ad hoc relocation agreements, we urgently need a structural solution to reaffirm the principles of solidarity and equal sharing of responsibilities on asylum, enshrined in the European Treaties, and it can only be the reform of the Dublin regulation as already approved by a large majority in the European Parliament .

This campaign wants to represent an open and safe harbour for those people fleeing wars, calamities, hunger. That safe and open harbour which European countries are not yet providing. 

Sea-Watch is a non-profit organization that conducts civil search and rescue operations in the Central Mediterranean Sea. In the presence of the humanitarian crisis, Sea-Watch provides emergency relief capacities, demands and pushes for rescue operations by the European institutions and stands up publicly for safe and legal routes to migration and to address the  root causes of migration. Sea-Watch acts while a political solution in the sense of a #SafePassage is not on the horizon. 

All donations will go directly to Sea-Watch to support their work.

This is a safe harbour #WeAreASafeHarbour


Chi si ricorda della Sea Watch?

Soltanto due settimane fa sbarcavano a Catania 47 persone a bordo della Sea Watch 3, salvate nel Mediterraneo durante una operazione di ricerca e soccorso da parte della Ong tedesca. Ricorderete forse il tira e molla tra i governi europei, le dichiarazioni del governo italiano, le accuse del ministro Salvini. […]

Ffar rimanere 47 persone per 12 giorni in mare è stata una scelta consapevole dei governi europei. Gli stessi che oggi accusano la Ong di non essere attrezzata per accogliere le persone migranti. In più, la nave olandese, sottoposta a un precedente controllo nel luglio 2018, aveva risposto a tutti i requisiti imposti dalla sua classe di registrazione.

Problemi tecnici, insomma, che sembrano essere piuttosto pretesti di una politica che vuole interrompere i soccorsi per evitare di scontrarsi nuovamente.

Ma a quale costo? Il risultato di questo blocco della Sea Watch fa si che in questo momento non ci siano navi di salvataggio nel Mediterraneo. Una scelta che mette a repentaglio la vita di persone che fuggono da guerre, fame, calamità. Perché l’assenza di navi di salvataggio nel Mediterraneo non equivale a una assenza di partenze dalla Libia: i migranti si mettono in viaggio, semplicemente noi non lo sappiamo poiché le navi servono a fare anche informazione sullo stato delle partenze, dei salvataggi. Anche Le Nazioni Unite sono concordi su questo tema, tanto che hanno definito la criminalizzazione del soccorso come la ragione del tasso di mortalità record in mare.

Huffington Post | 20.02.2019

This is a safe harbour #WeAreASafeHarbour