Zypern, Griechenland und Bulgarien schließen sich zusammen, um mehr EU-Gelder für die Kontrolle der östlichen Route einzufordern. Es gibt Berichte, dass diese Länder nach der Malta-Konferenz die Verteilung auch der bei ihnen eintreffenden Migrant*innen gefordert hatten. Das hätte eine Aufhebung der Dublin-Regeln bedeutet.

The ministers of Justice and Home Affairs of Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria on Tuesday presented a document with their Joint Position and Recommendations on Migration Pressures in the Eastern Mediterranean to the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council held in Luxembourg.

According to a written statement by the ministry, the initiative aims to “effectively tackle the increasing migration flows along the eastern Mediterranean route”.

Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria call for the establishment of a functioning common European return mechanism, as Member States alone cannot be effective only through unilateral action, call for an effective mechanism for relocation from the eastern Mediterranean and seek provision adequate support and allocation of resources to affected countries.

In-Cyprus | 08.10.2019

Zypern, Griechenland und Bulgarien fordern EU-Gelder

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