Die New York Times hat am 22.10.2018 die staatlichen Drangsalierungen der Transitflüchtlinge in Nordmarokko, ihre Abschiebung nach Südmarokko, das militärische Vorgehen gegen Harragas in der Meerenge von Gibraltar und die mögliche Legalisierung eines Teils der 200.000 undokumentierten Marokkaner*innen in Spanien als koordinierte Aktion der Europäischen Union, Spaniens und Marokkos dargestellt.

Morocco Unleashes a Harsh Crackdown on Sub-Saharan Migrants

By Aida Alami

In a widespread crackdown, sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco are facing arbitrary arrest, banishment to remote sections of the country and, lately, outright expulsion, analysts and rights advocates say. Rights advocates contend that the raids, which government officials acknowledge, began in the summer and were coordinated with Spain and the European Union to stem the tide of migrants to the Continent. […]

Morocco’s crackdown on migration has extended to its own citizens. In late September, the Moroccan Royal Navy shot and killed a young Moroccan woman who had boarded a boat full of migrants trying to cross illegally into Spain. The Moroccan authorities said the Navy opened fire after the boat refused to stop, but some nongovernmental organizations have questioned the circumstances. […]

Analysts say there is no denying that the two governments work closely together on the issue. “There are very intense and constant contacts at all levels between Spanish and Moroccan officials over the hot topics such as migration, security, coordination and other things,” says Haizam Amirah-Fernández, a senior analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute, a public policy research institution in Madrid. […]

On a visit to Rabat this month, Consuelo Rumí, the Spanish state secretary for migration, said that Spain was ready to act as “the voice of Morocco in the European Union,” to help Morocco receive more financial and material aid in its efforts to control migration. Ms. Rumí also said her government would look to regularize the papers of some of the estimated 200,000 Moroccans who live in Spain without official residency. […9

New York Times | 22.10.2018

Spanien-Marokko: Bekämpfung der Boat-people, Legalisierung der Angekommenen?