By SAMY MAGDY, SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (AP) — Libyan security forces raided and violently broke up a protest sit-in by migrants outside a shuttered U.N. community center in the capital of Tripoli, activists and migrants said Monday. The troops came
Central Med: 9% of refugees arriving in Italy by NGO sea rescues (10/2020-07/2021)
In the Central Mediterranean, between August 2020 and July 2021, 9% of refugees arriving in Italy were brought to Italy by NGO sea rescues (4.239 persons). Libya intercepted in 2021 (until 8 November) 28.600 persons.
Abandoned in the Sahara. Forced deportations from Libya by land
Refugees are brought from the Mediterranean coast to the southern border via various internment camps and abandoned in the Sahara. In the process, Libyan warlords cooperate along the deportation route.
Tripoli: Website „Refugees in Libya“ starts!
Refugees in Libya. Here are our voices and tears to the world!
Wie funktionieren die italienischen „Humanitären Korridore“?
Das Konzept der italienischen „Humanitären Korridore“ beruht auf der vorstrukturierenden und druckaufbauenden Arbeit von Aktivist*innen vor Ort, in den verschiedenen Ländern.
Libya evacuation refugees: Italian faith-based organizations successful
Evacuation today of 93 refugees to Italy from Libya. Five such flights will be organized over one year.
Tripoli: Fire and threats against protest camp at UNHCR
24Nov- [2021] tents Camped at the UNHCR main office of refugees were burnt to ashes by #FursanJanzour forces.This came after the diplomatic security personnel approached the Yesterday protesters at the @UNHCRLibya headquarters & enhanced their plights with threats if they
Libyen, Lager und Küstenwache: Internationaler Strafgerichtshof muss ermitteln, EU soll Unterstützung stoppen
NGOs und Überlebende reichen Strafanzeige beim IStGH ein und veröffentlichen Bericht.
Tripoli – EU: „Hybrid attacks“ against refugees
On 12 November, the day of a big international conference on Libya, the Italian newspaper „Il Fatto Quotidiano“ published a reportage about horrorific fotos of refugees detained in Libya: The fotos are made in a police style, the goal are extorsions. The UNHCR spreads fake news. What is planning the conference in Paris?
Libya Evacuation Now! – Demonstration Berlin 19.11.2021
call for demonstration