Das Europäische Parlament hat eine ständige Frontex-Truppe in der Stärke von 10.000 Mann bis 2027 beschlossen. Frontex übernimmt ab sofort, neben der Sicherung der EU-Außengrenzen, die Aufgabe einer gesamteuropäischen Abschiebeagentur. Abschiebungen aus benachbarten Drittstaaten wurden noch nicht beschlossen. Die Einrichtung externer Disembarkment-Platforms wurde aufgeschoben. Seenotrettung gehört weiterhin nicht zu den Aufgaben von Frontex.

„Only two years after a major expansion of the competences of Frontex and its transformation into the European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG), the Commission proposed another revision of the Agency’s mandate only 8 months before the end of the current legislative term, in September 2018. The new Regulation will not alter significantly the functions and tasks of the Agency, but will rather boosts the tasks and competences already entrusted to the EBCG Agency in 2016, while significantly expanding its budget and human and technical resources to unprecedented levels.

This is translated in a proposed massive increase in the Agency’s budget to 12 bn euros and the creation of a standing corps of 10.000 European borders guards by 2020. Since the establishment of Frontex in 2004 with a budget of 5.5 million euros, resources and mandate of Frontex have systematically expanded.“

The changes to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), already agreed with EU ministers, aim to resolve the current shortcomings and better respond to the present needs in security and migration.

A new standing corps of 10 000 staff to be set up by 2027

A new standing corps will be set up to support EU countries on the ground in border control and return tasks, as well as in the fight against cross-border crime. Starting with 5 000 operational staff in 2021, the standing corps will be fully operational by 2027 with 10 000 staff. In addition, a rapid reserve pool will be created for deployment in emergencies.

The standing corps will consist of border and coast guards employed by the agency as well as staff seconded on a mandatory basis by EU countries.

More efficient return procedures and cooperation with non-EU countries

The updated agency will be able to support return procedures in member states, for example by identifying irregularly staying non-EU nationals and by assisting national authorities to obtain travel documents. The new rules will also strengthen the cooperation with the European Asylum Support Office.

Cooperation with non-EU countries will also be strengthened, by allowing for new agreements beyond the current limitation to countries neighbouring the EU.

European Parliament | 17.04.2019

EU: Frontex auf 10.000 Mann aufgestockt