Einen Bericht der antirassistischen Gruppe GADEM über Polizeiaktionen im Norden Marokkos, insbesondere in Rabat, Casablanca und Tanger, bei denen über 6.500 Menschen festgenommen und in die Wüste verschleppt worden sein sollen, hat Il Manifesto am 02.11.2018 zum Anlass genommen, über die Rolle Marokkos als Türsteher Europas zu schreiben. 140 Mill. € wurden dafür an Marokko gezahlt, das Resultat sind Menschenrechtsverletzungen und rassistische Übergriffe.

Wir hatten über die GADEM-Studfie im November berichtet:

Il Manifesto schrieb im November:

According to data from the International Organization for Migration, 42,500 people have reached Europe passing through the Iberian peninsula since the beginning of the year, while 433 people died trying. The Moroccan government reports it has prevented 54,000 people from reaching Europe. “Migrants are forced to resort to increasingly dangerous contacts and means in order to escape the ever harsher policy of both Europe and Morocco,” said the president of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH), Omar Naji.

In their report Coûtes et blessures, published a few days ago in Rabat, the Anti-racist Group for the Support and Defence of Foreigners and Migrants (GADEM) focused attention on a practice that is becoming dangerously widespread: the arbitrary arrest and relocation of sub-Saharan migrants. Between July and September, GADEM’s data showed, 6,500 people have been arrested in the northern border areas, mainly near Ceuta and Melilla, the Spanish enclaves in Moroccan territory. According to the AMDH, this number underestimates the phenomenon: the organization claims it has counted 4,700 detained since August in the city of Nador alone.

“They’re arresting blacks”—this is how a man from Conakry in Guinea, interviewed by GADEM, described the situation. These are the racial profiling practices of the Moroccan police. Arrested on the streets, in shops, and even at their homes, people are taken to the police stations and subjected to fingerprinting. “The practices of detention, identification and deportation are affecting all blacks,” GADEM stresses, adding that “their documents are not actually checked.”

The police are also arresting minors, asylum seekers, and even people already holding a residence permit. Without giving them any information, the people are handcuffed and put on buses heading to Tiznit, Beni Mellal, Agadir, Casablanca, Errachidia and even Dakhla, 1,950 km from Tangier, as part of forced relocations conducted in precarious conditions, without food or rest stops, which ultimately leave them far away from population centers. Furthermore, there is no shortage of violence and thefts committed by the law enforcement agencies.

Einen lesenswerten, auf der GADEM-Studie beruhenden Bericht hat jetzt auch Archipel Januar 2019 veröffentlicht. Die schweren Verletzungen des Menschenrechts und die rassistischen Diskriminierungen werden in den direkten Zusammenhang mit den Forderungen und Zuwendungen der EU gestellt. Die Verantwortlichen sitzen nicht nur in Rabat, sondern in auch Berlin, Brüssel und Madrid.

„The rights of Sub-Saharan migrants, crushed between Morocco and the EU“